LEVEL 1 – An easy, shorter ride with mostly level terrain, low grades and good footing. Trail mostly follows roads or wide, well defined trails.
LEVEL 2 – Some grades but not steep or hard. Can go across country on mostly level ground.
LEVEL 3 – Footing may be rocky and difficult in places. May have steep grades and be narrow. Could be long in length.
LEVEL 4 – Steep grades, rocky and there may be some steps, negotiating ledges and large boulders. Could be long in length.
RIDE SPEEDS: Slow, Medium and Fast are WALK speeds. If gaited indicated, call the ride leader to determine speed.
March Rides --- Please call ride leader 2 or more days in advance for reservations and questions about trailer parking, snacks, and other concerns of the ride/ trail, cancelations, or weather!!
Thursday - 3/6 - Clark Springs --- Kim McKnight 928-642-8678 --- Meet @ Cayuse TH @ 9:30am ride 10am 4-41/2 hrs w/break, rated a 4, Horse must be in good condition and have boots or shod, many rocks and hills!! Snacks back @ trailer.
Monday - 3/10 - Thumbutte --- Sondra Haile 909-936-3805 --- Meet @ white rock TH @ 10am ride 10:30am, 3 hrs, rated 21/2, option for lunch at Casa Sanchez after.
Monday - 3/17 - Baby Granite --- Cindy Rosen 845-649-1329 --- Meet @ Williamson Vly TH @ 9:30am ride @ 10am, 4hrs w/break, rated 31/2, snacks back @ trailers.
Friday - 3/21 - Haystack --- Donna Crisfield 928-910-3337 --- Meet on Perkinsville Rd ( 1 1/2 mi from hwy 89) @ Peavine parking area across from Jerome Junction 10am, 3hrs, rated 21/2 w/break, Lunch @ El Charro Norte resturant after.
Monday - 3/24 - Emmanuel Pines/Spence basin --- JoAnne Rudolph 928-308-3803 --- Meet @ 10am ride 10:30am, 21/2 hrs, rated 2, 12 riders maximum..... Pony pool if possible....$5.00 parking fee per trailer... Snacks back @ trailers.
April Rides ---Please call ride leader 2 or more days in advance for reservations and questions about trailer parking, snacks, and other concerns of the ride/trail, cancelations, or weather !!
Friday - 4/4 - Walk, trot, gaite, ride WV --- Diana Simpson 928-533-9228 --- Meet WVTH @ 8:30am ride 9am, 3hrs, rated 2, ride to gate 320 have lunch. Snacks back @ trailers.
Tues - 4/8 - Thumbutte --- Dan and Amy Cohorst 480-694-0443 or 480-826-9878 --- Meet @ white rock TH @ 10am ride 10:30am, 700' elevation gain and decent rated 3, 2hrs of riding with a snack break (YUM) of 30ish minutes @ Dan and Amy's house. Places to tie up your horses. 30min ride back to white rock TH. 3-31/2 hrs total.
Monday - 4/14 - Fair Oaks ---New Ride leader! Heidi Collings 575-654-3137 --- Meet @ 10am @ mailboxes at Fair Oaks and Williamson Vly to caravan, 21/2 hrs, rated 21/2, Snacks back @ trailers.
Thursday -4/24 - 264 West Spruce Tr Copper Basin ---Tom and Denise Norris 928-899-6120 or 928-636-3358 --- Meet @ Copper Basin TH ( not Aspen Creek TH) @ 9:30am ride 10am, 3-31/2 hrs w/break, rated 3, Sancks back @ trailers. New trail!
Tuesday - 4/29 - New Caves Fair Oaks --- Tom and Denise Norris 928-899-6120 or 928-636-3358 --- Meet @ mailboxes Fair Oaks and WV to caravan, 3hrs, rated 3, Snacks back @ trailers. New and old trails!
Saturday - 5/3 - Railroad ride, an old favorite! --- Bill Arsenault and Jo Anne Rudolph (Bill 909-224-1777) --- Park @ Welsh Rd exit off of I-40 MM151. Between Ashfork and Williams,North side just past cattleguard. Meet @ 9am ride 9:30am, 4hrs Approx, lunch after at New resturant in Ashfork, Spice Bar and Grill, park at the new truck stop across the street.
Events coming--Groom Creek Cleanup 4/26
possible campout Groom Creek 5/16,17,18
Possible campout Hutch Mnt 6/12,13,14,15
Bartending Wed July 2 !!!
Parade Sat July 5
Summer Social Sat Aug 23
Ann Herringtons, Verde River, Oct 18
Christmas Party, Dec 20
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Prescott Saddle Club Membership Application October 2024